How to Take Tenvir-EM?

The efficacy and tolerability of a drug is something most people look at. Patients need a drug that can effectively treat their condition and tolerate it well without any major effects. Is Tenvir-EM effective? How tolerable is it? Here is all the information.

At HIVPrEP, we cover very helpful information on Tenvir-EM and other anti-HIV drugs to help our clients be informed. PrEP is a medical strategy to prevent individuals at risk of getting HIV. HIV meds are a treatment plan prescribed for HIV/AIDS individuals to reduce the risk of spreading the virus in the body.

🔍What Is Tenvir-EM Used For?

Tenvir-EM is a drug containing emtricitabine and tenofovir DF. These two active substances are highly effective in the prevention of HIV acquisition (as PrEP) as well as treatment of HIV/AIDS (as an anti-HIV med) [1].

The active substances in this med (belonging to NRTIs) work under high efficacy and tolerability to fight HIV in the body. As PrEP, Tenvir-EM intercepts the virus earlier before entering the CD4 cells due to the higher concentrations of TDF/FTC in the body if taken consistently.

By abiding by the dosage prescription, this drug provides you with more than 99% HIV protection. For those who inject drugs, Tenvir-EM can provide safety of up to 70%.


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💊Drug Dose and Administration As PrEP

As PrEP, Tenvir-EM is a daily dose recommended to be taken 1 dose at a time. You may take it with a meal or without food. For high drug efficacy with higher protection from getting an infection, take it consistently without missing a dose. Take every step to abide by the doctor’s prescription to avoid other health concerns that might arise.

Before starting using Tenvir-EM for PrEP, it is necessary to consult with a doctor about your condition. Make sure you are confirmed to be free of the virus. Furthermore, tell them about your risk exposure and let the doctor assess your health before giving you the right prescription. Your health is paramount and you should fully tolerate Tenvir-EM without major adverse effects.

As a PrEP strategy, you must comply with a 3-month test for HIV and overall health condition with medication. To avoid ineffectiveness, take this med daily until you are very sure you are no longer at a higher risk of virus infection.

👩‍⚕️How to Use It for HIV-Infection Treatment?

HIV has no cure. The only remedy is to use anti-HIV meds to reduce the spread of the virus in the body. All HIV treatment inhibits the action of the virus and terminates its replication process.

As for Tenvir-EM, take 1 tab a day consistently without missing a dose. It’s very important to keep the levels of TDF/FTC high while fighting the virus in the body.

The action of this med is to inhibit the virus integrase enzyme and terminate its chain of infecting the CD4 cells for replication. Once this action is terminated, the virus doesn’t have a chance to infect other cells. The more you use medication, the more the viral load count decreases.

⚠Warnings and Precautions

Not every medicine can be tolerated well by every individual. Although Tenvir –EM is highly effective as PrEP and as anti-HIV tab, warnings and precautions must be taken seriously [2].

To make sure you use this medication with higher tolerability, let your doctor know about your health. Let him/her assess you for any illnesses you may have and all the medications you are using.

It’s likely that some health conditions may need a tailored dose regimen to lower the risk of harming your health.

In most of the cases, Tenvir-EM warnings and precautions include:

  • if you discontinue using TDF/FTC and were previously diagnosed with HBV infection, it may likely to cause a severe/worse onset of this condition;
  • Tenvir-EM may restart or worsen renal problems if you have this condition. This is mostly caused by tenofovir DF;
  • as PrEP, it must be used by only those who have been tested and have been confirmed to be HIV-negative;
  • it may cause a severe buildup of lactic acidosis (also known as hepatomegaly with steatosis) [3];
  • likely to cause bone effects with the use of tenofovir DF;
  • it may cause immune reconstitution syndrome;

There are other conditions that may arise depending on your health and the drug you use. Always ensure you are safe and have the right prescription to use this medication.


  1. InterPrEP. Internet-based pre-exposure prophylaxis with generic tenofovir DF/emtricitabine in London: an analysis of outcomes in 641 patients. Isaac Aloysius, Anna Savage, Jey Zdravkov, Roxanna Korologou-Linden, Andrew Hill, Rachel Smith, Vicky Houghton-Price, Marta Boffito, and Nneka Nwokolo. Retrieved 2017, Oct. 1.
  2. Tenvir-EM Tablets. Prescribing Information. Black Box Warnings.
  3. HIV and Lactic Acidosis.
Logan Morris

Expert in pharmaceutical practice and antiviral medicine, founder of HIVPrEP. Main goal is to popularize HIV topics and create awareness for global masses on how to prevent the disease and how to use HIV medication safely.

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