Truvada (TDF and EM) + Alcohol

There is no known drug interaction when Truvada is used together with alcohol. This does not mean it’s absolutely safe. Always consult with a medical specialist before combining medications with alcohol.

 What Is Truvada?

Truvada is an NRTI med prescribed for HIV remedy. It’s used in combination with other antiretroviral meds to treat HIV. It’s highly potent in preventing the virus from replicating and harming the body’s immune function.

Additionally, it’s prescribed as PrEP to uninfected individuals who are highly exposed to the virus acquisition. Truvada is also highly effective as PEP when used in combination with another med to prevent the virus from entering the CD4+ cells [1], [2].

How Alcohol Interacts with Truvada?

Alcohol has no clinically significant interaction since it is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase. Still, it’s highly recommended not to take it in large quantities. Alcohol is known to contribute to side effects which can be worsened. Intake of this substance may also impede drug uptake and adherence [3].

Depending on the patient’s health, alcohol is bad for the immune function and overall health. It worsens the situation since the HIV virus has already weakened the immune system and the weaker it becomes, the lower are the chances of fighting the infections effectively.

Truvada has some long-term negative effects on patient’s health including liver, kidney and bone density loss. When administering this med, it is important to monitor liver function with a test done before and during treatment. This is most beneficial for patients diagnosed with hepatic health conditions.

Just like how Truvada, alcohol intake increases the risk of liver injury and other hepatotoxicity related problems. This is made worse if the patient is diagnosed with hep B or C [4].


  1. Truvada Approval History.
  2. Current perspectives in HIV post-exposure prophylaxis. Binta Sultan, Paul Benn, and Laura Waters. HIV AIDS (Auckl). 2014; 6: 147–158. Published online 2014 Oct 24. doi: 10.2147/HIV.S46585.
  3. Alcohol-antiretroviral interactive toxicity beliefs as a potential barrier to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men. Seth C Kalichmana, and Lisa Eaton. J Int AIDS Soc. 2017; 20(1): 21534. Published online 2017 Jul 17. doi: 10.7448/IAS.20.1.21534.
  4. HIV and Drug and Alcohol Users. Retrieved July 31, 2019.
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